Destination Fall|Winter 2020

Destination Fall|Winter 2020

by marlies|dekkers

Did you know a woman’s heart is very different from a man’s heart? But that the male body is still the norm in ‘modern’ medicine, costing many women their lives? For this issue of Feminine Feminist, I interviewed ‘cardiofeminist’ Angela Maas who has been fighting sexism in the male dominated medical field for the past 35 years. The secret of her steadfastness? Her femininity. “I didn’t want to lose my ‘softness’,” she told me. Angela also treated herself to some permanent makeup – eyeliner and eyebrows – to always look and feel her best, even during a 4 am emergency surgery. Angela’s personal interpretation of ‘Feminine Feminism’

My choice of muse for this season, Agatha Christie, surprised some people. Sure, she was and is the world’s bestselling author – a feminist feat in itself! – but wasn’t this greyhaired lady a bit, well, boring? Far from it! A sensual woman who loved fast cars, slow food and gorgeous men, camera-shy Agatha may not have flaunted her femininity with her public persona, but she sure did so privately. And if you read carefully, it’s all there in her feisty female characters, from the sultry Temptress and the sassy Adventuress to the ruthless Assassin. Identifying with all these different feminine icons actually really shaped me as a young woman. Like Chaka Kahn famously sang: “I’m every woman, it’s all in me.” Making my mark in a man’s world, I drew much power from celebrating my femininity in all its shapes and guises. I still do.

My new collection is an ode to Agatha’s empowering feminine archetypes. I couldn’t think of a better photographer than Queen of Roleplaying Ellen von Unwerth to bring each character to life in such a playful, glamorous way. We also reimagined my Signature collection with a badass ‘girlboss’ vibe, because even though we’ve learned that we don’t have to copy stereotypical masculine behavior to be successful, we sure had fun learning from you boys! Hats off to your badassery!

For this issue, I interviewed many inspiring Feminine Feminists such as Agatha’s sassy successor Camilla Läckberg. This Swedish murder mystery writer who was once photographed heavily pregnant, wearing my Dame de Paris bra, refuses to be pigeonholed as a woman: “We’re not Madonnas, but we’re not whores either. We’re human, we have a bit of both in us.” Novelist Saskia Noort, aka the Dutch Queen of Crime, emphasized the importance of women expressing their anger, even if it earns them the label ‘Angry Woman’. In a similar vein, political scientist Julia Wouters urges women to stop trying to be neutral to blend in. “Stay authentic, because people will judge you anyway.”

The female heart is complex, cardiologist Angela Maas told me, and we’ve only just begun to study it seriously. Similarly, we’ve only just started to explore women’s true potential. After several feminist waves, in the wake of #metoo, we refuse to hide our feelings behind polite smiles any longer. Go ahead, call us ‘hysterical’ or ‘that angry woman’. Like different characters from an Agatha Christie novel, we are starting to show our multi-faceted femininity. Instead of being held down by clichés, we own them. And by doing so, we turn them into superpowers. So, here we are, vulnerable and villainous. Livid and lustful. Loving. Complex, just like our hearts

— Marlies Dekkers


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Building bridges

MD Friends

Building bridges

by marlies|dekkers

From the Erasmus Bridge and the Mercedes-Benz Museum to Qatar’s metro network; Ben van Berkel’s iconic landmarks bring people together in rapturous beauty, again and again. I talked with the Dutch architect and educator about sensuality, ‘healthy’ buildings and the remarkable parallels between our designs.

More than a feeling

MD Friends

More than a feeling

by marlies|dekkers

Don’t ignore your emotions; they are much more powerful than you can imagine. By linking the magical world of emotions with hard science, Dutch scientist Pierre Capel, professor emeritus in experimental immunology, shows us the consequences of our feelings and the power of our minds. The message: we can do much more than we think. “Meditate. It’s the single best thing you can do for your health.”

Keto curious?

Marlies Says

Keto curious?

by marlies|dekkers

The fact that I feel bikini-confident all year round is, of course, a nice bonus. But for me, the biggest payoff of following the keto diet is the way it optimizes my health and gives me tons of energy.

Super (skin) food

Marlies Says

Super (skin) food

by marlies|dekkers

‘If you can’t eat it, why put it on your skin?’. I pretty much live by this beauty adage. After all, with your skin being one of your body’s largest organs, anything – and I mean anything! – you put onto your skin will end up in your bloodstream.


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Ihre Prominenten Freunde sind natürlich auch von der perfekten Passform der marlies|dekkers BHs überzeugt. Diese Frauen zeigen stolz ihre marlies|dekkers Dessous, sei es auf Fotoshoots für Magazine oder Album Cover, beim Performen auf der Bühne oder in Auftritten in TV Shows. Maison Marlies widmet einen speziellen Teil es Blogs für die Gleichberechtigung zwischen Frau und Mann. In Form von aktuellen Nachrichten, bleibt ihr immer auf dem neuesten Stand der letzten Entwicklungen. Und diese Mission verkörpert Marlies' Vision über die Zukunft.