Health is Wealth

Health is Wealth

by Marlies Dekkers

Believe me, I know how easy it is to get caught up in the rat race; skipping nights to make deadlines, pushing myself beyond my own limits. But everything changed with this realization: if you don't feel well, you don't do well. I saw people around me spending their health to gain wealth, and then having to spend their wealth to regain their health. I decided to avoid that trap. One of the godmothers of modern-day luxury, Coco Chanel, once said: 'The best things in life are free. The second-best things are very, very expensive.' Here are a few of my favorite affordable luxuries that help me slow down, recharge and look amazing. Yes, mademoiselle Coco, the post-stroll glow is the new Chanel 'it' bag.

- Botanical beauty Forget expensive miracle potions with tongue-twisting ingredients; when it comes to beauty products, I like to tap into the power of plants. Teasingly called a 'witchdoctor' by my friends, I have always been interested in unlocking the medicinal and mystical properties of the herbs in my garden and beyond. Need a DIY beauty recipe? I got it! Take rosemary oil, for example. According to modern researchers, this traditional hair-growth home remedy is as effective as minoxidil, aka Rogaine (and way cheaper!). Recently, after switching to a fluoride-free toothpaste concocted by an herbalist friend using ingredients such as coconut oil, horse chestnut and dried mint, my dentist exclaimed: 'Whatever you are doing do to your teeth, it's working!'.

- Let the sunshine in "The sun comes up for free" we like to say in the Netherlands. Well, that's not the only thing it does for free. Basking in its rays first thing every morning is one of my favorite - and cheapest! - strategies to improve my health and wellness. Our 24-hour internal clock or circadian rhythm affects our sleep-wake cycle through hormone regulation. By exposing ourselves to morning sunlight, we give our system a serotonin boost, providing the pineal gland with enough 'raw material' to produce the melatonin we need to naturally fall asleep that night. On top of that, the sun's vitamin D is absolutely essential for our immune system, brain function and calcium absorption.

- Free hugs It's the first sense to develop in human beings, and with about 5 million touch receptors in our skin, touch is one of our most powerful and affordable healing tools. Did you know that a single, loving touch can stimulate oxytocin, lower blood pressure, release serotonin and even accelerate cell growth? Even better: it goes both ways, affecting the toucher as much as the 'touchee'. Sadly, living in a touch-phobic society that has made affection with anyone but loved ones taboo, most of us are touch-deprived. And we're not even talking about sex! That's why I make a point of hugging my friends just a little tighter, and holding my father's hand just a little longer.

- The earth beneath your feet Yes, I love my intense workouts with weights, but nothing beats a long walk in nature. First of all, it's free and doesn't require any equipment. On top of all the benefits of cardiovascular exercise, it's proven to boost your immune function and mood while easing joint pain. And sometimes, like Raynor Winn's case, walking can change your life. When she became homeless and her husband was diagnosed with a terminal illness, they took off on a 1010 km coastal walk. Her deeply moving book 'The Salt Path' added a spiritual dimension to my daily walks, reminding me that when we feel stuck, simply putting one foot in front of another is the only way forward.

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Building bridges

MD Friends

Building bridges

by marlies|dekkers

From the Erasmus Bridge and the Mercedes-Benz Museum to Qatar’s metro network; Ben van Berkel’s iconic landmarks bring people together in rapturous beauty, again and again. I talked with the Dutch architect and educator about sensuality, ‘healthy’ buildings and the remarkable parallels between our designs.

More than a feeling

MD Friends

More than a feeling

by marlies|dekkers

Don’t ignore your emotions; they are much more powerful than you can imagine. By linking the magical world of emotions with hard science, Dutch scientist Pierre Capel, professor emeritus in experimental immunology, shows us the consequences of our feelings and the power of our minds. The message: we can do much more than we think. “Meditate. It’s the single best thing you can do for your health.”

Keto curious?

Marlies Says

Keto curious?

by marlies|dekkers

The fact that I feel bikini-confident all year round is, of course, a nice bonus. But for me, the biggest payoff of following the keto diet is the way it optimizes my health and gives me tons of energy.

Super (skin) food

Marlies Says

Super (skin) food

by marlies|dekkers

‘If you can’t eat it, why put it on your skin?’. I pretty much live by this beauty adage. After all, with your skin being one of your body’s largest organs, anything – and I mean anything! – you put onto your skin will end up in your bloodstream.


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Glücklich mit marlies|dekkers Dessous

Ihre Prominenten Freunde sind natürlich auch von der perfekten Passform der marlies|dekkers BHs überzeugt. Diese Frauen zeigen stolz ihre marlies|dekkers Dessous, sei es auf Fotoshoots für Magazine oder Album Cover, beim Performen auf der Bühne oder in Auftritten in TV Shows. Maison Marlies widmet einen speziellen Teil es Blogs für die Gleichberechtigung zwischen Frau und Mann. In Form von aktuellen Nachrichten, bleibt ihr immer auf dem neuesten Stand der letzten Entwicklungen. Und diese Mission verkörpert Marlies' Vision über die Zukunft.